How to Reset Volkswagen Service Light
Many drivers opt to handle their own vehicle maintenance, which includes changing your oil. However, when you’ve completed this task, that VW service light doesn’t just turn itself off. If you’ve just finished your own oil change, we have some good news for you: it’s pretty easy to turn off that service light on recent models. It’s important to have your vehicle serviced regularly, so don’t just turn off the service light because it’s bothering you!
How to Reset Your VW Service Light by Model Year
Turn your key into the on position
Select the Settings menu
Select the Service submenu
Select Reset option
Press OK
Press OK again to confirm
Turn ignition to off position
Press and hold the Trip reset button
Release the Trip Reset button when it says “OIL” or “INSP”
Turn the minute knob until the odometer is reset to zero
Turn the ignition off
Turn the key into the on position
Press and hold the Trip Reset button
Continue holding button and turn the key to off position
Release button
Press and hold Minute Reset button
Press Trip Reset button until it says “IN01”
Turn key to on position and then back off
1990-1992: Your Volkswagen service button must be reset with a scanner at your local Volkswagen dealership or service center.